Sleep is an underrated factor in your Financial Independence journey

You need between 7-9 hours of sleep to function properly Americans and their poor sleep Sleep is such an underrated commodity. Yet, according to the CDC, 35% of American adults sleep less than 7 hours a day. 1/3 of the population is NOT sleeping enough! And I know that there has been a pretty good… Continue reading Sleep is an underrated factor in your Financial Independence journey

There is only today

I found out yesterday, that my college roommate and friend passed away over the weekend. It is news that I am still processing, as this is the first time I’ve had something like this happen to someone in my peer group. I suppose I should consider myself extremely lucky that most of my experiences with… Continue reading There is only today

In praise of the dumbphone and leaving the smartphone behind forever

Amanda from Counting Cathedrals, saw my recent article about how I locked my cell phone in a safe for 24 hours to escape the need for a constant dopamine hit. Then she reached out with her own personal experience. Amanda, who is on a quest to see a basketball game in all 350+ college arenas,… Continue reading In praise of the dumbphone and leaving the smartphone behind forever

Yep, I locked my cell phone in a safe for 24 hours

The search for a long-term solution to manage my cell phone usage Yep. I did it. I locked my phone in the safe for 24 hours this weekend. At this point, I am sure you are thinking. Why? After months of struggling with how to use my phone less, I decided that the only way… Continue reading Yep, I locked my cell phone in a safe for 24 hours