Many of you will remember that I purchased a cash flowing affiliate website late last fall. I was excited to sit back, relax, and maybe do a little work while I watched my passive investment blossom. Of course, a month into owning the site, Google updated their algorithm, and blew the roof off my brand… Continue reading After Disappointment Comes Clarity
Personal Growth
What Doesn’t Kill You, Makes You Stronger – How To Take Adversity And Turn It On Its Head!
Adam the Friendly Sasquatch has a condition called Retinitis Pigmentosa, which began to slowly rob him of his vision in college. “It felt like a ticking time bomb waiting to crush me. But instead of being a victim of circumstances I did something about it.” He made a plan. He surrounded himself with supportive friends and family.… Continue reading What Doesn’t Kill You, Makes You Stronger – How To Take Adversity And Turn It On Its Head!
Losing Streaks
So far this year I’ve read 8 books and am currently finishing up my 9th. For me, I read to learn. I read to de-stress. And I read open up my mind to new ideas and new perspectives. And so far this year, I’ve read some solid books. But none of them have been great.… Continue reading Losing Streaks
There is Always More to Do
We live in a non-stop 24/7 culture and no matter what you do, you can never stop the endless onslaught of things to do. It doesn’t matter if we are talking about your personal life, or your professional life. There is always more to do. My wife for instance is a stay-at-home mom. And not… Continue reading There is Always More to Do
There is No One Else to Blame
Are doctors responsible for your health? Are financial advisors responsible for your finances? Is your boss responsible for your performance? The answer to all of these questions is a resounding: NO. You are the only person responsible for YOU. There is no one else to blame There are of course outside factors, but at the… Continue reading There is No One Else to Blame