Most of my writing starts with a simple idea—an idea swirling around in my brain that wants to be put down on paper. I had an idea for an article – but when I did a Google search on the potential title I found that there were already many, MANY, similar articles on the same… Continue reading I Didn’t Know Where This Was Going —And That’s The Point
Personal Growth
You’re Only Fooling Yourself
Waking up lately is getting harder and harder. And it’s not that I am sleeping any worse than before…in fact sometimes I am sleeping better, but I am just so, so, so very tired. As any parent of two elementary-age children will tell you, parenting is NEVER-ENDING exhaustion. From the neediness to the attention-craving whining,… Continue reading You’re Only Fooling Yourself
The Treadmill Problem
I love to hike, bike, ruck, and work out outdoors. But I live in the desert, so as soon as summer heat hits, it makes it near impossible to do that without getting up at the crack ass of dawn. Yet, I also dearly value my sleep, and would rather not sacrifice one part of… Continue reading The Treadmill Problem
My Social Media Sabbatical
Back in August, I decided I would take some time off from social media. Since I don’t use social for personal use anymore, it was mainly just taking some time off the AR X/Twitter account to take a breather. Even though I built the AR account up to nearly 20K followers and helped to drive… Continue reading My Social Media Sabbatical
Are you a sports fan? Have you ever watched a game where seemingly out of nowhere the losing team that had absolutely nothing going for it in the first half of the game, somehow siezes all the momentum and goes on to have a powerful and unstoppable comeback? Isn’t that wild how it happens? A… Continue reading Momentum