The Moment That Real Progress Is Made

Progress is ALWAYS slow. Updated: March 21, 2024 Doing the work to build something, pay off debt, save money towards your financial independence, or even parenting children….it is all sloowwww. At times it feels like you are making no progress at all! Other times it feels like you are going backward or hitting a brick… Continue reading The Moment That Real Progress Is Made

It Doesn’t Take Much…

Big Outcomes Don’t Require As Much Effort As You Think Updated: September 7th, 2023 When you think about achieving a big outcome such as growing a $15M company, reaching financial independence, retiring early, writing a book, or getting in shape – you can’t help but think “this is going to take a lot of work.”… Continue reading It Doesn’t Take Much…

You Won’t Know, Until You Try

Updated: July 21, 2023 Have you been thinking about starting something lately? Perhaps you have been thinking about starting a blog? Or maybe you have been thinking about trying your hand at an Etsy shop? Or rather than writing or entrepreneurship, you simply want to try yoga, tennis, golf, pickleball, meditation, or some other hobby?… Continue reading You Won’t Know, Until You Try

Summer Hours: Why Working Fewer Hours Increases Productivity

Every summer when I worked in corporate America we always had some sort of “Summer Hours.” These would come in the form of closing all offices at lunch on Friday, giving half days every week, giving one day off every two weeks, or simply giving a set number of days off for the summer. Each… Continue reading Summer Hours: Why Working Fewer Hours Increases Productivity