Why I No Longer Recommend Affiliate or Niche Websites as an Investment

Many of you who have been following along with my early retirement journey know that I bought an affiliate website nearly two years ago. The entire point of the website was to bring in some additional cash flow to help me manage our cash better so that we didn’t have to draw down our investments… Continue reading Why I No Longer Recommend Affiliate or Niche Websites as an Investment

My Website Investment – 6 Months Later

After Accidentally Retiring nearly two years ago, I finally decided to put a financial plan together for the first time. It was great to get everything down on paper and have a concrete goal. Our overarching financial goal is to: Create enough passive income to offset all current expenses, and continue to live our current… Continue reading My Website Investment – 6 Months Later

Simple Investing is The Best Kind of Investing

This post is part of the “How to invest money“ put together by Wall St. Nerd. Many times over the years in business and now in investing, I have come back to one simple acronym that we all know: KISS or Keep It Simple Stupid. Too often you can get lost in the weeds at… Continue reading Simple Investing is The Best Kind of Investing