Cloudy Sunsets Make The Best Sunsets – And Other Life Advice

Sunset with Amazing Clouds

Updated: May 17, 2024 Ever since I got my first iPhone and realized the power of snapping a picture anywhere, anytime, I began to capture sunset pictures. It brings me joy every time I catch a sunset, and the act of taking a picture somehow brings me even more joy. Perhaps it is because I… Continue reading Cloudy Sunsets Make The Best Sunsets – And Other Life Advice

Why So Serious?!?

No seriously! We’re ALL so dang serious! But kids on the other hand, almost take nothing seriously. They can go from crying and being upset one moment, to having the most joyful amazing moment rocking out to a song they’ve heard 1,000 times the next. So when did it all change? When did WE start… Continue reading Why So Serious?!?

It’s Time to Quit Your Addiction to The News!

Now Is As Good A Time As Ever To Go On A Full News Diet Updated: March 7, 2024 Don’t deny it. You are addicted to the news. Maybe it is the financial news? Or perhaps you are into politics? No, that’s not right…maybe it’s sports or entertainment? Well, it really doesn’t matter… No matter… Continue reading It’s Time to Quit Your Addiction to The News!

Awareness Book – The Perils and Opportunities of Reality by Anthony De Mello

Book Review, Highlights, and Quotes from Awareness by Anthony de Mello I first read Awareness: The Perils and Opportunities of Reality by Anthony de Mello two years ago, after hearing it repeatedly brought up on The Tim Ferriss Show. I am not a Christian and not super religious, so I found that it was best… Continue reading Awareness Book – The Perils and Opportunities of Reality by Anthony De Mello