Why I Don’t Talk About Investing Much

Updated October 5th, 2023 If you happen upon my site or even my twitter account, you’d probably notice that I don’t really talk about investing all that much. The truth is that while I am fascinated by investing, I just don’t have to think about it much. I created a financial plan, and besides periodic… Continue reading Why I Don’t Talk About Investing Much

Simple Investing is The Best Kind of Investing

This post is part of the “How to invest money“ put together by Wall St. Nerd. Many times over the years in business and now in investing, I have come back to one simple acronym that we all know: KISS or Keep It Simple Stupid. Too often you can get lost in the weeds at… Continue reading Simple Investing is The Best Kind of Investing

The Simple Path to Wealth Summary – JL Collins

Book Summary, Highlights and Quotes from The Simple Path to Wealth by JL Collins The Simple Path to Wealth by JL Collins, lives up to the hype, plus some. The Simple Path to Wealth is written by JL Collins for his daughter. His goal for his book was to have something to give to her… Continue reading The Simple Path to Wealth Summary – JL Collins

What if your favorite stocks were Avengers?

Just wanted to have a little fun today. Too often we in the personal finance world take things a little too seriously. That includes me. Even though most of us sit around investing in “boring” index funds like $VTI or $VTSAX, they are truly all you really need to grow your wealth. Still it’s nice… Continue reading What if your favorite stocks were Avengers?

Refinance now to improve your savings rate, cash flow, and overall wealth

Interest rates remain historically low. If you have not refinanced, please do so now! We recently finished up refinancing via an Asset Based Mortgage to save $500 on our total mortgage payment. This was huge for us, especially after Accidentally Retiring. Not only are we now able to save $6,000 a year in total expense,… Continue reading Refinance now to improve your savings rate, cash flow, and overall wealth