The Moment That Real Progress Is Made

Progress is ALWAYS slow. Updated: March 21, 2024 Doing the work to build something, pay off debt, save money towards your financial independence, or even parenting children….it is all sloowwww. At times it feels like you are making no progress at all! Other times it feels like you are going backward or hitting a brick… Continue reading The Moment That Real Progress Is Made

Are You Adding OR Subtracting Stress From Your Life?

When I retired early, a large part of it was to move away from the stress that running a business, managing employees, and last-minute travel, ALL while trying to be there for my growing family. And it was in that mini-retirement that I realized I was so burnt out that I could barely even look… Continue reading Are You Adding OR Subtracting Stress From Your Life?

The Secret to Life: Consistency

I’ve discovered the secret to life! It almost seems too easy. Too laughably easy. It’s so simple, that it is NOT simple. YET, I’ve found time and again, its core truth: The secret to a good life is CONSISTENCY. But it’s not JUST being consistent, but being consistent on the right things. The little things… Continue reading The Secret to Life: Consistency