The Truth About Self-Doubt: EVERYONE Has It

Updated: April 6, 2023 It’s always there, lurking in the background. Some days we are better at stuffing it down inside and ignoring it. Yet self-doubt creeps up every so often…even if you are confident, successful, and living the life you want. Am I good enough? … Will this work? … Can I actually do… Continue reading The Truth About Self-Doubt: EVERYONE Has It

Is Your Life Flying By Too Fast?

Updated March 30, 2023 If you are anything like me, then yes, life is flying by too fast. And if you are like me, you put your head down and started grinding in your 20s and early 30s. You work hard and you are climbing your personal career ladder. You make plenty of money and… Continue reading Is Your Life Flying By Too Fast?

A letter from my 80 year old self

The best motivation comes from one person: yourself Last year during my mini-retirement, I picked up a copy of The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. The Artist’s Way is a 12 week program mainly intended for artists to re-harness their creativity. Even though I am not an “artist” in the traditional sense, the actual program and exercises… Continue reading A letter from my 80 year old self