The Simple Formula For Getting Sh*t Done

Use Systems to Foster Your Creativity, Productivity, and Wealth I can’t tell you how often I hear: Well, I am here to tell you that is all bullsh*t. Wealth takes time. Creativity takes effort. Productivity takes a system. Sure, most of us are not talented artists, graphic designers, musicians, comedians, or actors. But in the… Continue reading The Simple Formula For Getting Sh*t Done

10 Things You Can Do To Overcome Decision Fatigue

How to Overcome Decision Fatigue Updated: April 11, 2024 It’s funny, not funny, but even now that I am retired, I still suffer from decision fatigue. When I was a CEO, I surely had it every day. I would be wiped out just from thinking and from trying to make the right decisions big and… Continue reading 10 Things You Can Do To Overcome Decision Fatigue

The Truth About Self-Doubt: EVERYONE Has It

Updated: April 6, 2023 It’s always there, lurking in the background. Some days we are better at stuffing it down inside and ignoring it. Yet self-doubt creeps up every so often…even if you are confident, successful, and living the life you want. Am I good enough? … Will this work? … Can I actually do… Continue reading The Truth About Self-Doubt: EVERYONE Has It