Whether you are running a multi-million dollar business or simply managing your own personal finances, there is one thing that I believe is critically important to both: tracking and measuring. The first of every month, I like to not only track my net worth in my spreadsheet, but I also track anything of major importance… Continue reading End of Month Reporting: IT WORKS!
Financial Independence
Default Mode
Without even realizing it, much of our decision making, financial planning, and life in general is run by one thing: default mode. When starting a new job, you have to fill out what seems like a mountain of paperwork. If your new company has a 401(k) plan, then deciding if you will invest a percentage… Continue reading Default Mode
You Don’t Need Multiple Income Streams to Build Wealth
You Only Need One Income Stream. Just ONE. Yep that’s right. I said it. You only need the ONE. And don’t get me wrong. I’m not against multiple income streams. In fact, I built my entire career with a side hustle that grew into a full-time job, followed by another side hustle that eventually jumpstarted… Continue reading You Don’t Need Multiple Income Streams to Build Wealth
Losing Streaks
So far this year I’ve read 8 books and am currently finishing up my 9th. For me, I read to learn. I read to de-stress. And I read open up my mind to new ideas and new perspectives. And so far this year, I’ve read some solid books. But none of them have been great.… Continue reading Losing Streaks
My Website Investment – 6 Months Later
After Accidentally Retiring nearly two years ago, I finally decided to put a financial plan together for the first time. It was great to get everything down on paper and have a concrete goal. Our overarching financial goal is to: Create enough passive income to offset all current expenses, and continue to live our current… Continue reading My Website Investment – 6 Months Later