End of Month Reporting: IT WORKS!

Whether you are running a multi-million dollar business or simply managing your own personal finances, there is one thing that I believe is critically important to both: tracking and measuring. The first of every month, I like to not only track my net worth in my spreadsheet, but I also track anything of major importance… Continue reading End of Month Reporting: IT WORKS!

You Don’t Need Multiple Income Streams to Build Wealth

You Only Need One Income Stream. Just ONE. Yep that’s right. I said it. You only need the ONE. And don’t get me wrong. I’m not against multiple income streams. In fact, I built my entire career with a side hustle that grew into a full-time job, followed by another side hustle that eventually jumpstarted… Continue reading You Don’t Need Multiple Income Streams to Build Wealth

My Website Investment – 6 Months Later

After Accidentally Retiring nearly two years ago, I finally decided to put a financial plan together for the first time. It was great to get everything down on paper and have a concrete goal. Our overarching financial goal is to: Create enough passive income to offset all current expenses, and continue to live our current… Continue reading My Website Investment – 6 Months Later