Empower is the easiest and most convenient way to track your net worth, plan for retirement, and run your day-to-day budget There is a reason that many personal finance bloggers are continuously pushing Empower’s Retirement Planner: it is the easiest and most convenient way to tie together your entire net worth picture, plan for retirement,… Continue reading Empower Retirement Planner Review 2025
Tag: net worth
Easy-to-Use Net Worth Spreadsheet 2025 (Template for Google Sheets & Excel)
I believe that one of the most important things that you can do in personal finance is to track your net worth. Now, more than ever, there are so many easy ways to automatically track your assets and your liabilities. I personally use Empower (formerly Personal Capital) to seamlessly track my net worth, asset allocations,… Continue reading Easy-to-Use Net Worth Spreadsheet 2025 (Template for Google Sheets & Excel)
End of Month Reporting: IT WORKS!
Whether you are running a multi-million dollar business or simply managing your own personal finances, there is one thing that I believe is critically important to both: tracking and measuring. The first of every month, I like to not only track my net worth in my spreadsheet, but I also track anything of major importance… Continue reading End of Month Reporting: IT WORKS!
How much, do you actually need to retire early?
Personal finance is personal – But how much does an average person need to retire early and happily? For those on a journey to FI (Financial Independence) or FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early) this is a question you are very very familiar with. But for those who aren’t, this is something you should be thinking… Continue reading How much, do you actually need to retire early?
Best Financial Independence Calculators & Tools
This is a comprehensive list of the best Net Worth, Financial Independence, and Retirement Calculators & Tools that I could find and test. I have used many of these calculators myself. Empower’s tools cannot be spoken more highly of for managing a budget, investments, and tracking net worth. And from time to time, I have… Continue reading Best Financial Independence Calculators & Tools