Summer Travel Season Is Upon Us – So Use Your Damn PTO People!

And don’t work on vacation. Just don’t. Updated July 3, 2024 As a former CEO, I am here today to give you permission to not only take your vacation, but remind you to STOP WORKING during your trip. Not only do I want you to use your entire vacation allotment, but I want you to… Continue reading Summer Travel Season Is Upon Us – So Use Your Damn PTO People!

The Secret Weapon of Happy People: Mantras and Goals

A few years ago, I started to create what I called a “Life Crafting” notebook. It sounds important, but it was simply created using the Notes app on my phone to jot down things I wanted to remember to better my life. My Life Crafting notebook has evolved to include various tidbits of things that… Continue reading The Secret Weapon of Happy People: Mantras and Goals

How To Take A Mini-Retirement

How to Plan, Save For, And Structure a Mini-Retirement I left my high-paying CEO role in June, 2020. Though I had never planned on leaving when I did, circumstances and perhaps fate intervened. Our company was divested from a large multinational corporation to a much smaller multinational startup, and I could not come to an… Continue reading How To Take A Mini-Retirement

Summer Reading: The 15 Books I Couldn’t Put Down (Since Retiring)

Over the past few years, I have often shared the best books I’ve ever read, reviewed many on this site, and asked for recommendations. I’ve read 75+ books since launching this site, and have found some new favorites. Here are my top 10 non-fiction books of the past 3.5 years: All of the above are… Continue reading Summer Reading: The 15 Books I Couldn’t Put Down (Since Retiring)

The Simple Formula For Getting Sh*t Done

Use Systems to Foster Your Creativity, Productivity, and Wealth I can’t tell you how often I hear: Well, I am here to tell you that is all bullsh*t. Wealth takes time. Creativity takes effort. Productivity takes a system. Sure, most of us are not talented artists, graphic designers, musicians, comedians, or actors. But in the… Continue reading The Simple Formula For Getting Sh*t Done