The Secret to Life: Consistency

I’ve discovered the secret to life! It almost seems too easy. Too laughably easy. It’s so simple, that it is NOT simple. YET, I’ve found time and again, its core truth: The secret to a good life is CONSISTENCY. But it’s not JUST being consistent, but being consistent on the right things. The little things… Continue reading The Secret to Life: Consistency

It Doesn’t Take Much…

Big Outcomes Don’t Require As Much Effort As You Think Updated: September 7th, 2023 When you think about achieving a big outcome such as growing a $15M company, reaching financial independence, retiring early, writing a book, or getting in shape – you can’t help but think “this is going to take a lot of work.”… Continue reading It Doesn’t Take Much…

12 Toxic Beliefs Holding You Back From Wealth And Happiness

Most of us have some sort of toxic belief. It may not be about money…perhaps it is a toxic relationship belief? Or perhaps you believe something that is holding you back from being as healthy as you can be? The worst part about toxic beliefs is that you don’t even know you have them. They’re… Continue reading 12 Toxic Beliefs Holding You Back From Wealth And Happiness

Pursuing Your Passion Isn’t Quite Right: Do THIS Instead

Updated August 11, 2023 I just finished an incredible read in The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. It is a short, brilliantly crafted fable, in which you follow the main character Santiago on his quest for a hidden treasure that he literally just dreamt about. To pursue his “Personal Legend,” Santiago follows the omens as they… Continue reading Pursuing Your Passion Isn’t Quite Right: Do THIS Instead