Celebrating 3 Years of Early Retirement

Sheraton Poipu Beach in Kauai (Photo Credit: AR)

Today, I celebrate my 3-year anniversary of leaving my CEO gig to retire early!!! It’s kind of shocking, to be honest. Time really does fly when you are having fun! Or maybe it’s just that I have small kids and life seems to be picking up steam?? Either way, it’s a bit wild that it’s… Continue reading Celebrating 3 Years of Early Retirement

Cash Management in Early Retirement

Cash management in early retirement has turned out to be a rather stressful endeavor. When I first negotiated my severance and left corporate America it was easy to know that I still had money coming in for awhile. But eventually all gravy train runs dry, and then I was left figuring out an action plan.… Continue reading Cash Management in Early Retirement