How To Take A Mini-Retirement

How to Plan, Save For, And Structure a Mini-Retirement I left my high-paying CEO role in June, 2020. Though I had never planned on leaving when I did, circumstances and perhaps fate intervened. Our company was divested from a large multinational corporation to a much smaller multinational startup, and I could not come to an… Continue reading How To Take A Mini-Retirement

Celebrating 1 year of early retirement

Photo Credit: Accidentally Retired

Today, I am officially celebrating my 1 year anniversary of leaving my CEO gig to retire early!!! I honestly cannot believe that it has been a year since I left my job and headed out to my mini-retirement. You guys know how the story goes…guy leaves CEO gig to take a 6 month mini-retirement. He… Continue reading Celebrating 1 year of early retirement

Approaching your retirement date is like approaching a black hole

The Retirement Black Hole Approaching your retirement is the single greatest accomplishment of your career. You have worked your a$$ off and now you have built up enough net worth to have your money work for you, and not the other way around. And yet, for most of us, you don’t really know what life… Continue reading Approaching your retirement date is like approaching a black hole