Summer Travel Season Is Upon Us – So Use Your Damn PTO People!

And don’t work on vacation. Just don’t. Updated July 3, 2024 As a former CEO, I am here today to give you permission to not only take your vacation, but remind you to STOP WORKING during your trip. Not only do I want you to use your entire vacation allotment, but I want you to… Continue reading Summer Travel Season Is Upon Us – So Use Your Damn PTO People!

The Power of AI: The New Key to Time Freedom and Financial Independence

Artificial Intelligence. It’s the talk of the town right now. From the many uses of ChatGPT from coding to creative writing, and from creating SEO outlines to building entire businesses with only ChatGPT’s advice, we are all trying to figure out how to leverage AI and use it to our advantage. Is ChatGPT actually that… Continue reading The Power of AI: The New Key to Time Freedom and Financial Independence

The 9 Laws of Productivity and How to Harness Them

AR: Chris @ WFH Systems Coach posted a great thread on the the Laws of Productivity earlier this week. I loved it so much that I reached out to see if I can republish on my site. This post is an adaptation of Chris’ work including both Chris’ original text and my own commentary/long-form adaptation.Here… Continue reading The 9 Laws of Productivity and How to Harness Them